Worried about money? Exhausted from caring for a loved one? Feeling lonely?
You’ve come to the right place. Since 1961, The Senior Source has been providing resources for seniors in Dallas. We are the go-to resource for everything you might need as you age. Whether you need financial guidance, nursing home advice, or just a way to connect with others, we’re here to assist Dallas-area seniors and their families with the services, programs, tools, and resources they need to be happy and secure in their later years.
Our Mission
To enhance the quality of life of older adults in Dallas.
We’re Here to Help
Scam Alert: Fake Homecare Call Visits
You have a loved one in a nursing home, and you are told that you have 30 days to move them out. Your heart races just thinking about it and you don’t know where to start. Your facility’s ombudsman can…
Advocacy Alert: Last day to apply for vote-by-mail
February 18th is the last day to apply for vote-by-mail for anyone eligible. Your County Election Office must receive your registration by that date. Simply being postmarked by that date is not accepted. You may have heard about issues affecting some who have applied to…
Ways to Get Low-Cost or Free Home Internet
Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) Permanent, government program to help low-income households pay for internet and connected devices, such as laptops or tablets. Up to $30 per month discount on internet or up to $75 per month if you live on…
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Our Services
We Help Seniors
- Ensure Financial Security+
- Support Caregivers+
- Navigate Long-Term Care+
- Learn Technology+
- Prevent Frauds & Scams+
- Engage in Volunteer Opportunities+
- Understand Dementia+
- Utilize Medicare Counseling+

Ensure Financial Security
The Elder Financial Safety Center at The Senior Source is a safe and trusted place for older adults and their loved ones to get expert, professional, and unbiased guidance to ensure financial well-being- from essential needs to helping those who have experienced financial exploitation.

Support Caregivers and Those Aging Alone
Caring for a senior loved one can be challenging and even overwhelming at times. Don’t go it alone. The Senior Source’s Caregiver Support Program is here to help you maintain your well-being as you care for a parent, spouse, or loved one.

Navigate Long-Term Care Options
Older adults in nursing homes and assisted living facilities should live out their later years with dignity and respect in a safe environment. Long-term care ombudsmen help ensure that happens for the 16,000 residents living in Dallas County facilities.

Learn Technology
The Senior Source is proud to partner with Senior Planet from AARP. The Senior Planet program enables older adults to come together and find ways to learn, work, create, exercise, and thrive in today’s digital age.
Through a variety of program offerings, older adults will feel more comfortable accessing technology and will improve their quality of life.

Prevent Frauds and Scams
Financial fraud occurs every 15 seconds. At the Elder Financial Safety Center, we provide education, resources, and tools to help you prevent financial fraud and protect yourself from scams.
Scammers are sophisticated and use minimal details they can find about you online, from your mail, or someone you know to make up stories and scenarios that seem real or possible to get you to fall for their scam.

Engage in Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for a way to give back and stay connected in your community? Research shows that older adults benefit physically, mentally and emotionally by volunteering. The Senior Source can help you put your skills and experience to work. You’ll meet other seniors and make a difference in the lives of others!

Understand Dementia
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Utilize Medicare Counseling
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