Success Story

Runyue Z.

“I love being a Foster Grandparent! My sense of purpose has increased, and I feel less lonely and isolated. The children make me feel young again. I love seeing their little faces light up when they learn something new. I give my whole heart to being a Foster Grandparent, but I get so much more […]

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Tech G.

“The Senior Source’s Caregiver Support Group has become a lifeline to me. I am a caregiver of an intercultural mom with vascular dementia. My support group members have become my friends. We listen and provide advice, sometimes tough, most times smooth, but always well-intended and loving. I am so fortunate to be part of this

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Sherry G.

“Without the Money Management program, I wouldn’t have anything. My volunteer, Bob has helped me in so many ways. He’s helped me to budget my expenses to make sure my income covers my needs. Bob has taken me to doctor appointments and has helped me to make sure my rent is paid. Honestly and truly

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