Elder Financial
Safety Center

The Elder Financial Safety Center at The Senior Source is a safe and trusted place for older adults and their loved ones to get expert, professional, and unbiased guidance to ensure financial well-being- from essential needs to helping those who have experienced financial exploitation.

Utility Assistance
GAS: Atmos
SCHEDULED HELP: 2nd Wednesday monthly
More Info
CONTACT: Julie Krawczyk, Director
CALL: 214-525-6157
EMAIL: JKrawczyk@TheSeniorSource.org

Elder Financial Safety Center

The Elder Financial Safety Center, a public safety project made possible by the W.W. Caruth, Jr., Foundation of Communities Foundation of Texas, was launched in May of 2014 as the first of its kind in the nation to address the financial security of older adults through prevention, protection and prosecution services. Our vision is to ensure every older adult lives in a safe community with the financial resources to securely age with dignity.

We focus on Prevention, Protection, and Prosecution.


Prevention from too little income and too much debt, as well as frauds and scams. This can include financial coaching, benefits assistance, money management, budgeting, debt management, and more.


Protection for those vulnerable who are struggling to manage their daily affairs and are commonly exposed to financial predators.


Prosecution for cases involving the exploitation and abuse of elderly victims, Specialized investigators are dedicated solely to ensuring justice is achieved through the prosecution of financial crimes.

Our Services

We Help Seniors with Financial Safety

Benefits Assistance

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Maecenas a nibh elementum, dapibus nisi maximus, mollis sapien. Maecenas sed nulla egestas, dignissim erat ac, placerat nunc. Quisque sollicitudin lectus lacinia, imperdiet lectus et, commodo arcu. Morbi consectetur pharetra nisl, vehicula luctus libero pretium ac. Morbi non vulputate ligula. Sed auctor sem eget nisl consectetur, eget pharetra ante placerat. Nunc vel felis sit amet metus mattis commodo.

Debt Management

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin laoreet aliquet est, vitae molestie dui faucibus ac. Aliquam ultrices iaculis magna. Duis rhoncus quis velit eget facilisis. Morbi sit amet nisl vel leo faucibus consectetur. Mauris fermentum orci at nulla commodo, id euismod ex tempor. Vestibulum consequat justo erat, non condimentum turpis vulputate vel.

Employment Services

Looking for a job? The employment search can pose big challenges for older jobseekers. If you’ve been out of the job-hunting market for a while, you’ll soon learn that everything has changed. On the other hand, more and more employers are realizing that older employees have much to offer, including experience and reliability. Once you understand what hiring managers look for and how they choose employees today, you’ll maximize your chances. With the right tools, you can be successful!

Filing a Fraud Complaint

Financial fraud occurs every 15 seconds. At the Elder Financial Safety Center, we provide education, resources, and tools to help you prevent financial fraud and protect yourself from scams.

Scammers are sophisticated and use minimal details they can find about you online, from your mail, or someone you know to make up stories and scenarios that seem real or possible to get you to fall for their scam.

Financial Coaching

Maecenas a nibh elementum, dapibus nisi maximus, mollis sapien. Maecenas sed nulla egestas, dignissim erat ac, placerat nunc. Quisque sollicitudin lectus lacinia, imperdiet lectus et, commodo arcu. Morbi consectetur pharetra nisl, vehicula luctus libero pretium ac. Morbi non vulputate ligula. Sed auctor sem eget nisl consectetur, eget pharetra ante placerat. Nunc vel felis sit amet metus mattis commodo.

Insurance Counseling

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin laoreet aliquet est, vitae molestie dui faucibus ac. Aliquam ultrices iaculis magna. Duis rhoncus quis velit eget facilisis. Morbi sit amet nisl vel leo faucibus consectetur. Mauris fermentum orci at nulla commodo, id euismod ex tempor. Vestibulum consequat justo erat, non condimentum turpis vulputate vel.

Money Management

Maecenas a nibh elementum, dapibus nisi maximus, mollis sapien. Maecenas sed nulla egestas, dignissim erat ac, placerat nunc. Quisque sollicitudin lectus lacinia, imperdiet lectus et, commodo arcu. Morbi consectetur pharetra nisl, vehicula luctus libero pretium ac. Morbi non vulputate ligula. Sed auctor sem eget nisl consectetur, eget pharetra ante placerat. Nunc vel felis sit amet metus mattis commodo.

We’re Here to Help


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